I was gonna make a post on more of the beginning of my relaionship and how DD was for me. But I just felt the need to rant. I am on twitter and I had posted a few things about how I thought women should be submissive to their husbands but I soon got attacked but a female. Yeah I know her in my everyday life. We were aquaintances, my husband used to work with her ex. We tried to be friends with them, but my husband didn't really like how she talked to her man. She really didn't respect him and seemed like she bossed him around. They ended up breaking up and she started dating someone new. She found me on twitter and started bashing me. Now her new man has taking to bashing me for letting my husband have the lead. Her man is in the army so he thinks I'm undoing what he "fought for and almost died for women's freedom not to submit to their husbands". Ok thing is I feel women should if their husband is trustworthy of submission. And I think that is why there are so many divorce rates in the US because of women now not letting men be men.
I mean she brags about how she makes him put her first and boss him around. Ok fine, do I agree? No, but I don't get why people have to attack us. And just yesterday his daughter attacked me for no reason also. I never did mention her, I only said that his girlfriend should leave how I live alone and I felt sorry for men who can't be men. Has anyone else had the same experience with people like this? I'm just tired of how society has the gender roles. I don't like to be in a grocery store and see a woman yelling at her husband or telling him off or what HE is gonna do. I won't say submission came easy to me because it didn't and like I said I do not like the discipline but I do see how close it makes us and how much better my marriage is for it. I'm happy letting my husband be MAN. I'm sorry all men aren't allowed to be MEN.
Yeah my husband is strict and he needs to be. If he wasn't I wouldn't have the respect for him I do. TO me it makes a marriage more stronger.